Handmade Linen Bread Bags
Handmade Linen Bread Bags
Handmade in Boulder, CO these flax linen bread bags will keep your bread fresh better and a bit longer than paper or plastic. It is made from natural linen (closer to its origins than a washed or dyed linen) from England.
Eco Credentials:
Flax is a strong plant best grown in northern Europe. It needs little or no fertilisers and due to the local climate, little extra water. It doesn’t really require many pesticides either as it can grow in poor quality soil. The Advisory Commission Report to the European Parliament stated that flax cultivation has positive effects on eco-system diversity as it allows for an “environmental pause”. One hectare of flax can retain 3.7 tonnes of CO2. Every part of the plant is used, what isn’t used to produce linen can be used to make linseed oil, paper, cattle feed or even soap.
Linen is therefore almost naturally organic. It is completely biodegradable, recyclable and due to its natural absorbency, it requires less dye than cotton. Linen therefore scores high on the ecological chart.